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Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 20:56:58

Level 59
I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Trump, I don't like his policies nor the way he (try to) implement them. There's a difference between those: although I dislike a big deal of Reagan's policies, I recognize him for his extremely good governing skills and deal-making process. The reverse is true for Carter whom I like slightly more the policies, but hate the way he tried to put them forward.

So, I don't think Trump has done a great job so far implementing his agenda, which is probably a good thing since almost everything he tried to put forward has been so far poorly thinked or downright stupid ideas. However, I have now to recognize that Trump did at least two good moves this week, which is kind of impressive for him.

First of all, the DACA decision. It first appeared to me as one more rushed-thinked and poorly implemented decision by Trump to appeal to his base. But since then he managed to fix that by urging congress to act before DACA is over in six months and that he'll take care of the issue if congress doesn't do anything. So at the end of the day, we should have either some sort of permanent status for Dreamers or go back to the status-quo. While Trump did a good move to his base, he put pressure on congress to adress the issue: if it gives resident-status to dreamers, the Trump-electorate will get mad at congress, and not him, while liberals will like Trump for fixing something even Obama couldn't; if it fails and Trump just goes back to status-quo, he shouldn't lose base-support, but dems will be grateful for him keeping the status-quo.

Then the debt ceiling deal with democrats, which was even better than the first move. Usually debt ceiling discussions are always a pain in the arse for presidents, who need to discuss a lot with congress to raise it. By doing a deal with dems, he did piss out a lot his party, but the deal with the other side was really great for a lot of reasons. First, the bill in no case will get voted down because it's being voted with the Harvey relief: anyone voting against the bill is for letting americans down when they most need their country. Second, it does send a big message to his own party: get shit done or I'm reaching for the other side. Thirdly, he's managed to bring back some bipartisanship to a congress that haven't seen such a thing for at years: again he's doing better than Obama here.


Idk if Trump will keep doing good moves, but I got to say he did a good job here, he's opened a lot of possibilities for future policy-making and to effectively implement his agenda. I would also like to know how Trump will manage the Republican Party, and especially the tea party gridlockers. I guess we'll see that soon enough...

Edited 9/7/2017 21:00:12
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 22:11:54

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
In which way is the removal of DACA good?


Edited 9/7/2017 22:14:02
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 22:14:30

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
And why can´t I see what I type?-It´s all white.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 22:31:43

Level 59
I never said it was good, you should read what I wrote better... I said it was a good political move. There's a subtle, but huge difference there.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 23:13:27

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
No, for real now, I can only see a white wall when I want to type something. How do I fix that?
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 23:14:41

Level 56
Incoming anti-Trump rant:

Donald Trump campaigned today with a VERY vulnerably democratic senator from North Dakota who only votes with Trump 50% of the time. Meanwhile he BASHED Jeff Flake who votes with Trump 90% OF THE TIME.

Donald Trump's central focus of the campaign was "RYAN AND MCCONNEL ARE WEAK! They are weaklings! They fold to the democrats every time! They are cucks! Only I can stand strong and cut a good deal for America! All these other Republicans would have folded because they are WEAkLINGS, and LIARS, and LITTLE."

There is even a tweet from Trump in 2014 BASHING the Republicans for folding on the debt ceiling.

Now what does he do? He bends over and lets Nancy fuck him in the ass with a strap on. He just bent over and gave that crazy bitch more than she ever wanted.

And we are supposed to believe that he did this to piss of the republicans in congress? The REPUBLICANS LOVE caving to democrats. They did it all the time under Obama. John Boener and McConnell got a fucking boner every-time they fuck over their base!

McConnell and Ryan have majority in BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. They could have put any budget they damn well pleased on Trump's desk. But instead they cave to Democrats. I mean at this point it would be out of character for them to act like they give a damn about their campaign promises.

He sent DACA to congress to ENSHINE IT. JUST LIKE OBAMACARE. Even OBAMA couldn't get this done. Trump is currently to the LEFT of Obama who literally quoted Hugo Chavez "Hope and Change."

Trump even tweeted that he wanted Congress to pass DACA into law. Who asked him to send this tweet? LITERALLY HITLER, I mean Nancy Pelosi.

Nobody can control the maverick, 4D chess, brilliant businessman's twitter account except for literally Nancy Pelosi who belongs in an INSANE ASYLUM.

I hope Trump switches to the Democratic party. And I hope that a Republican beats the shit out of him in 2020 because of his horrible approval ratings. The far-right was right all along. Trump is a sell-out. He sided with weak, lieing, Republicans in Congress who always wanted to fold to the Democrats and he sided with the Democrats. Unforgivable.

I don't care about de-regulation, or mexico city policy, or more border patrol, or 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan. TWICE now he caved to democrats on the budget. In March he said that he would cave but that he would fight it again in September! Well September is here but Trump doesn't seem to understand how TIME WORKS. Or the CALENDAR.

Glad I didn't vote for him.

Edited 9/7/2017 23:17:57
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 23:21:38

Level 50
Ah the President. The far right don't like him. The Dems hate him. And now he is having unnatural relations with Nancy Pelosi?

The guy just can't catch a break.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 23:24:55

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
How do I fix it?
Trump's first good political moves: 9/7/2017 23:48:34

Level 59
I doubt Trump will join the democratic party, although he is very floppy on issues and supported a lot of the dems ideas before ditching them over to join the republican party, in no fucking world he'll join the democratic party now, for one they don't want him, if they let him where he is, in 2020 they're getting the presidency and both chambers of congress without breaking a sweat.

There is even a tweet from Trump in 2014 BASHING the Republicans for folding on the debt ceiling.

Not the first time he flip flops, glad at least he floped to the right side now; probably evolved while being president. Playing with the debt ceiling is such a stupid thing, it has too many consequences for the country, and the world, for politicians to play arround with it.

The 2011 debt-ceiling crisis costed 19 billion dollars in borrowing costs alone, the shutdown of 2013 costed arround 24 billion to the economy. That's all because republicans didn't fold.

It wouldn't have been any different today, Trump would have had a hard time getting the tea party to the table, and democrats weren't really fond of Trump. Passing the bill which raised the debt ceiling and provided help for Harvey wasn't a bad deal at all.

I guess the only problem I see with this deal is that the rise in the ceiling is just for 3 months, should have been longer.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 18:07:22

Leibstandarte (Vengeance)
Level 45
I am not familiar with American politic terms, what is the ''tea party''? Hyper-rich guys or something?
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 18:15:05

Level 48
I'll respond to this whole post later, but right now I'm just going to respond to vengeance.

The Tea Party is a Conservative movement part of the larger Republican party. It includes elements of neoconservatism and paleoconservatism. Another thing about the Tea Party - no one under 40 takes them seriously. It's a boomer/older gen X project. They're also pro-Israel pro-Zionism. The actual right wing has nothing but contempt for these people.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:00:49

Level 58
I was with you up until the last sentence. You don't get to decide what the "right wing" is. The Tea Party are part of the right wing, like it or not, so you don't have a right to say who's "actually" right wing or not.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:18:29

Level 56
The Tea Party started out as a series of protests around the slogan "Taxed Enough Already". Eventually politicians with little to no political experience began running for mid-term elections with the endorsement of an increasingly centralized Tea party. Rand Paul, whose only experience was as an eye doctor was one example. These rookie politicians primaried traditional republicans and demolished the Democratic base during the Obama years.

"At the beginning of Obama’s term, Democrats controlled 59 percent of state legislatures, while now they control only 31 percent, the lowest percentage for the party since 1900. They held 29 governor’s offices and now have only 16, the party’s lowest number since 1920."


To put that into perspective the democrats haven't been this bad off since they were blamed with taking America into WW1 and the Republicans presided over the roaring 20s.

Edited 9/8/2017 20:19:32
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:27:49

Leibstandarte (Vengeance)
Level 45
Thanks for responding me you two.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:31:03

Level 56
Who makes up the Tea Party?

The average age of the Tea party is 48. The average Republican voter is 50. The average Democratic voter is 47. (https://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-in-debt/economic-demographics-republicans/)

The average Tea Partier is younger than the average Republican. The Tea Party was a move to modernize the Republican Party in a libertarian direction. Many prominent Tea Partiers moved Republicans to the left on Gay marriage, Corporate Bailouts, the war on Drugs, and foreign interventions. Ben Sasse, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul are the most prominent.


This ranks all US senators by Seniority aka how long they have been in the Senate. Notice the tidal wave of young republican senators coming in January 2011 and January 2015. 2012 and 2014 midterms are heralded as major victories by the Tea Party by both left and right.

There are 13 US Senators under the age of 50. 9 of them are Republicans. 4 of the are Democrats. This is the legacy of the Tea party.


Of these 9 Republicans Tom Cotton, Ben Sasse, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz have all received the endorsement of the Tea Party in their states.

If the Tea Party is old and stale then why are their candidates so young, new to politics and hated by the establishment in the GOP?

Additionally, Tea Party supporters are more educated and wealthier than the general public according to the NYT.

Edited 9/8/2017 20:34:19
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:39:17

Level 56
When the Senate voted recently to expand NATO to include Montenegro only two people voted against it. Mike Lee and Rand Paul, both young Tea Party Republicans. Montenegro is hilariously small and would never be able to defend the US or return the huge favor of US protection. The only reason to expand NATO would be to piss of Russia.

Without the Tea party it would have been a 100 vote bill. Some Senator's endorsed by the tea party did vote for it but the only Senators who voted against Expanding NATO were Republican Tea partiers.

Nowadays the Tea Party has moved from national demonstrations to endorsing Constitutional Conservatives in Republican Primaries. They are still often in the news.


Edited 9/8/2017 20:45:27
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:45:28

Level 58
Ok. Thanks for letting us know.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 20:49:29

Level 56
If you doubt the Libertarian streak of the Tea Party then I have one final article.


Here the Atlantic admits that Ron Paul is the brain of the Tea Party.
Trump's first good political moves: 9/8/2017 21:40:56

Level 59
The Tea Party really just rised as an anti-obama movement, if you had libertarians at the beginning, now it's only anti-government, super conservative, religious-zealot morons there...


An October 2010 Washington Post canvass of local Tea Party organizers found 87% saying "dissatisfaction with mainstream Republican Party leaders" was "an important factor in the support the group has received so far".

Tea Party activists have expressed support for Republican politicians Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Michele Bachmann, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz.

Also, the dems having 59% of the state legislatures and 29 governorships at the beginning of Obama was a consequence of Bush, whom recordingly low approval ratings fucked the republican party all accross the board.

Dems lost all of that with the poor ratings of Obama himself at the middle of his term, and add to that an excellent organisation of republicans at the local level, when dems did better at the larger level.

The 2016 election allowed the dems to take back a few congress seats, but that would have been a bigger win if the presidencial candidate wasn't as bad as Hillary fucking Clinton.

With Trump in power now, republicans should get the normal usure of controlling almost every elected legislature in the country, having the president, and still not delivering much (just like Bush and Obama before): expect to see the democrats taking back a bunch of those seats...
Trump's first good political moves: 9/9/2017 00:43:18

Level 48
I don't have to tell you that what I'm writing is my opinion because it's implied. No shit I "don't have a right to say who's "actually" right wing or not." In my view any group that supports the enemy is left-wing. Supporting Israel is a traitor's endeavor.
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