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Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 10:25:01

Level 16
I'm (almost) done with my Large World map. All I need to do is find missing territory connections, mentioned by Fizzer. You can help me find them by going to [here](http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer.aspx?PreviewMap=8266). If you find one or two, maybe I'll hide your name somewhere in the map. ;)

I'm also starting a multi-day test game. If you wish to be invited, just say so in this thread. Thanks guys!
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 10:47:18

Level 57
I will play on the test map.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 14:39:09

Level 50
I don't really like this map, because of these reasons:

1. Too small territories, such as Macedonia, Albania, "North Turkey", Angola.., I bet they can't even fit a single digit.
2. Missing connection lines e.g. Canary Island-Morocco, Cape Verde-Senegal/The Gambia, and lot's of others in Indonesia, Canada, Japan...
3. Wrong title: you call it "Large Earth", but it isn't that much bigger than Grundie's world map! Some areas are even less divided, such as the USA, China, Russia. Just that a few islands are divided, doesn't make a map large. I mean, with this title, people expect the map to be the same, but with more territories than the original earth. But once they look at Russia, they're dissapointed because all of Russia is merged into one "superterritory" that borders 17 other states! (it should be 18, it doesn't connect to Korea.
4. Nostalgic reasons, people have played the earth map for so long, nobody wants to play a map that looks like a bad copy.

Please consider all of these reasons before you release this map, I think it really has potential!
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 17:32:26

Level 13
I'd love to be part of this test game and fyi, south sudan is an independent nation so you have to fix sudan
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 17:36:05

Level 16
Same for Montenegro. Either you have to separate Montenegro from Serbia or you have to call Serbia *Serbia and Montenegro*.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 17:59:26

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Moros is right. Some of the territories are miniscule and won't come anywhere CLOSE to fitting an army. For reference, the bonus numbers are the same size as the army numbers font-wise. North Turkey is maybe one tenth the size of the bonus number.

So I would recommend enlarging the map by a factor of ten or so at the least. Of course, this means all center points have to be redone...
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 18:03:09

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Also, why have every island of Hawaii count as a territory even though the continental US is one territory? So now Hawaii is 4 times harder to take than the other 48 states... makes no sense there.

Also, why is Nunavut broken apart from Canada when nothing else is?

Finally, why is Greenland equal to Scandinavia? One has 1 territory, the other has 4 but both are worth 2 armies? That makes zero sense to me.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 18:42:40

Level 16
1. Ok, decent point. I'll see what I can do.

2. Canary Island to Morocco is already connected; Cape Verde to Senegal is already connected, and I can't find any others in the specified areas. Not sure what you're talking about. Though if you still see it, please be gracious as to point it out.
3. Ehhh...I can sorta see where you're coming from, but still...so far there's a 78 territory difference, and counting. If people really want me to divide the big areas up, I will, it was just supposed to be a political map of sorts. I'll possibly look into it. Thanks for saying the Russia doesn't connect to Korea though.

4. Not your best argument, I'll be honest. I always love trying out new maps.

I'm working on enlarging a bunch of the territories.

There's no good reason for it; they're separate islands and I honored them as so.

Because I wanted some diversion between Nunavut and Canada. Nunavut is just such a large bonus.

Don't criticize me if you don't look hard enough. Take a second look at Greenland. :P
Ok, thank you.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 18:46:53

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
If you want me to look hard enough, don't make your territories miniscule. As I said before, you need to enlarge by a factor of ten if not more.

Also, your bottom grouping of bonuses has an 'Arctic' bonus but it highlights the Antarctic. They are distinctly different terms.

Also, why have two bonuses for South America? From what I can see the two have the same territories but two separate bonuses.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 18:48:32

Level 13
He has two bonuses for South America because he wanted a bonus per continent and he couldn't divide south america into two seperate bonuses (you could try having brazil and 1,2 territories and the rest of SA be a bonus though)
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 19:22:25

Level 49
As much as I'd love to have a large world map.. this one looks more like it deserves the name 'politically correct world map'
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-07 20:29:32

Level 16
Incidentally, Serbia doesn't connect to Croatia or Bulgaria.
Although that means I've deserved an honourable mention, I'd rather not be mentioned, because, frankly, I agree with Moros, Richard, and Perrin.

What Moros meant, by the way, was that there is a connection, but that there is no line depicting it. That is necessary for any serious map.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-08 02:27:27

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
"If people really want me to divide the big areas up, I will, it was just supposed to be a political map of sorts."

you really need to consider what makes a good map good (or even a playable map playable). the idea of making an earth map the same size as east asia or africa or something similar is a good one, and i think it would be quite popular if done right. but your map is very unbalanced in terms of territory and bonus size, the metabonuses are too signifant and maybe unnecessary when the actual bonuses arent so large.

i dont understand some of the choices you have made regarding what countries to include, a good example as someone already mentioned is hawaii, which has four territories, as well as alaska and puerto rico having their own entire territories, while the 'lower 48' are all together. even in the normal earth map, america is split up into east and west, i think 14 terrtiories altogether, with hawaii and alaska are seperate 0 bonuses. you include the tiniest islands in canada, but then have one huge territory covering about 80% of its area. if youre going to include 'west antarctica', a territory so small you can hardly notice it, you really need to go the whole way and include the pacific islands, split up russia into about 30 territories maybe, etc etc etc. then the metabonuses would make more sense. its like youve taken the regular earth map, said 'im going to split this one territory into 20 territories, and merge these 15 territories into one territory'.

another thing is that you have, for example, the maldives connected to reunion island, and yet no connections from east to west.

if you fixed all these things, your map would be less ugly, although i think it would still be somewhat confusing aesthetically. i think matma rex posted some advice on this to the forums before. i dont know what it is exactly, but you should try to copy the design of your map from a pre-existing one.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-08 22:00:18

Level 54
good map but some territories aren't even worth it u should hav put hawai islands together north turkey and turkey e.t.c so need joining or removing.And why is a Philippians a bonus makes no sense u should have made it whle one and jioned it with far east bonus or make no bonus
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-08 22:02:26

Level 54
also u added kuwait and some less know places and u didn't add Qatar.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-09 02:41:41

Level 31
I agree with many of what people said. The division of some of the smaller areas, ie the Philippines and Hawaii, while keeping the much larger countries together is senseless. I would have expected from the title an exact copy of the Earth map with further division in areas with large territories such as Brazil and India. Try combining the smaller islands with a larger territory to make them stand out more. Add connecting lines to indicate non-consecutive territories do connect. This map has a lot of potential, but it needs a bit more work.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-09 04:13:40

Level 16
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm taking it all into consideration. I'll divide america, russia, and china, and combine some islands. I'll post an update when I'm done.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-09 19:06:26

Level 54
if u are going to split Russia split it Europe Russia Urals Siberia and maybe more
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-10 02:15:16

Level 16
Update 1.2:
+Sardinia and Qatar.
Removed continental bonuses. Felt they were a glitchy distraction.
+Russian districts.

(Some) small islands.

Next Update:
Division of US, Canada, and China.
And the dreaded fixing of the small territories...ug.

Keep posting missing links, territories, and suggestions. Appreciate it.
Large World Testing Phase: 2012-01-10 02:27:36

Level 13
Change middle earth to Central Asia or Caucas region (there is no region called middle earth)
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