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What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 00:31:17

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
First of all, I have to support knyte in here. He´s clearly the one being way more realistic
than MGSB.

Also, I can only encourage the USA to leave the NATO. Russia is doomed to hell since the end
of the Second Worldwar, tough they ain´t any worse than the USA. With USA leaving the NATO,
that won´t change. At least there could be one nation having a rehab and stop judging
other nations if they ain´t any better.

Third, Hillary is corrupt as shit and has hold speeches for million and billion of dollars.
Speeches can be good, but not that good. She sacked in the money from the Wall Street and
didn´t stand up against corruptcy instead. I´d be done with her if I were American.

Fourth, Trump might not be that worse. He leads an enterprise and thus can help the
American economy since he brings in experience in that zone.

Fifth, Trump is a racist, yes, tough that does not mean he can do everything that he wants.
The president of the USA ain´t God and is not immortal. He´ll surely be limited by the
USA´s constitution. He´ll also never built a wall towards Mexico since he as an entrepeneur
knows best that the USA needs the Mexicans for the low-payed-jobs which the Americans don´t
want to do ( such as charlady, et cetera ...)

So all in all, Trump might be a wildcard but if I´d have the vote between him and an
American Angela Merkel then I´d choose Trump every time.

P.S. You don´t want Angela Merkel as president/chancellor/prime minister or whatever.
She is worse. 11 years of her destructive reign are enough, and next year she will
hopefully not get reelected. That would be a real nightmare. I ain´t joking.

Edited 7/21/2016 00:32:09
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 00:47:49

Level 57
Uh their economy fell hard and has yet to recover, Eklipse.

It fell, but not nearly to the level that scaremongers were screeching about prior to the event. We live in a time where an Arabian prince getting a concussion can lead to surging oil prices and market faltering (Yes, I'm exaggerating there but it's sadly not far from the truth). The market is fragile and jumps up and down all the time, but rarely do market drops lead to long-term economic destruction.

And economic consensus is almost always correct.

Predicting global economy is more like predicting the weather. There's too many variables that are unpredictable/can't be seen to get a full picture. They're in the ballpark usually, but inevitably they will be wrong at times.
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 01:13:49

Level 58
#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby... , why do you write like an illiterate inbred rat?
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 01:18:10

Level 57
saudi is 2nd werst gov, jus behind dem commie koreans
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 01:22:55

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Ox, stfu. It is 3.22 am and English ain´t my mother tongue.
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 01:28:54

Level 58
I think that if your post..

Has no rhyme!
or Reason to the random structure of ridiculous
Then it is pretty god damn stu

In my opinion at least,
Also I`ll be the first
to say that it`s ridicu-
lous to use such a random character;;
there`s so many but you use
"`" as an apostraphe?

Fourthly are you-

All in all it`s silly in my-
also it is not your English...


Also, how is this about English in the first place? Starting a new paragraph each sentence [...] has absolutely nothing to do with your mother tongue. It's silly in any language.
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 01:34:17

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Paragraphs for visibility you mad Highlander.
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 03:27:22

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
ISIS is not actually a government

It taxes folk and has a military. Pretty government-like.
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 03:36:39

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Recognition by other governments doesn't matter at all.

Edited 7/21/2016 03:44:34
What I Think US Election Comes Down To: 7/21/2016 04:16:03

Level 54
From what it seems, most people are disillusioned with the election, but i find it good that there are people that recognize that Hillary is demonstrably corrupt whereas Trump is only alleged.
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