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Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-07-31 10:11:08

Level 53
@francisco0002:Thanks,this map helps a bit,but if you compare it to the size of the territories on my map,the cities are not quite enough.What I meant by the resaerch being a pain is that I couldn't find anything more that the more known ancient cities.

@[RE] Lord Kira:Definitely,I will be putting them once I am finished with the land

@Mudderducker:thanks :).Also check out the first post,I mentioned your map as the only other one with this theme
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-01 19:54:13

Level 53
Update:Finished Aitolia and the Aegean Islands

file is at 1.370 kb,which is rather promising,considering the inkscape svg one is 1.746 kb
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-04 12:11:28

Level 53
Update:Finished Athenian Makedonia and Thrake,and put in bonuses for the nations,as well as province bonuses where they were missing.

File is currently at 1,436 kb

I am thinking of putting this in the discription of the map once it is finished:

“At Athens, the Paralos, arriving at night , brought the news of the disaster, and mourning began from Pireaus and reached the City through the Long Walls, as the message passed from mouth to mouth, so that no one slept that night. And they were mourning not only for the lost, but even more so for themselves, convinced they would suffer the same things they have done to the Istiaeans and the Skionians and Toroneans and the Aegineans and the Melians, the colonists of the Spartans (Lakedaemonians) and many more Greeks.”

Let me give you some context:This is describing the events in Athens after their fleet got crushed in the Aigos Potamous(the Goat Rivers) due to their overconfidence and poor decisions.The Athenian fleet was the biggest advantage they had over the Peloponnesians and the destruction of it was sure to bring their defeat.

The Athenians have also done some pretty naughty things indeed during the course of the war.Namely,if a city state in the Athenian/Delian League had intentions of leaving,the Athenians would raze it to the ground,kill all the men,and sell the women and children to slavery.That also happened to Melos,which,while it was a colony of the Spartans,had remained neutral in the war.

So the Athenians were certain that they would pay for what they have done,even though things turned out a bit more intersting...

If you want more details,just say so.Also,I would like to hear your opinions about how much this would fit into the description of the map :)
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-07 11:18:27

Level 53
Update:I finished all of Asia Minor,including the Persian Empire(which kinda looks like a mess,but I don't have the willpower to change it)

File size is at 1,618 kb

Please share your opinions as to how much of Thrace I should include.I am thinking of including Epirus,the Paeons and some Illyrians.
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-10 11:10:43

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Seems fine, but what are Paeons? I googled it and only found flowers. :D
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-10 11:41:45

Level 53
Macedonian tribes that invaded Makedonia(the state) and got repelled by Philippus II


They are very hard to find on the internet,even if you search it in greek
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-11 12:07:07

Level 53
Update:So my internet is slow and shitty right now,which means I will have trouble finding the maps I need and uploading will be really slow and infuriating.I might not manage to make any progress today

Edited 8/11/2016 12:07:25
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 09:51:32

Level 53
Update:Epirus is finished
The map is now over 1k territories!

file is at 1,774 kb,which I think has enough room for the rest of it

Not much to go,but changing the bonus value is going to take forever,because the map editor takes ages to change a single bonus(about 20 seconds!),due to the size of the map
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 11:01:22

Level 57
1) Use this online tool - it can reduce the size of SVG file by roughly 30-40% without the loss of quality

2) Keep in mind that max file size accepted by WL editor is not 2MB but 2.000.000.bytes which stands for ~1,93MB?

3) I dont know why u intend to make every territory a bonus worth 4 - it makes no sense for at least 3 reasons:
a) all those bonuslinks (already >1000) consume a lot of memory (increase filesize)
b) If anoyone wants to use such setting (+4 income from every territory) he can easily acheive this by using game setting "extra armies for territories"
c) you said:" After all,anyone can disable the territorial bonuses and use the big triangular ones" I am afraid that this is more complicated- if sb donesnt want to have extra 4 armies from each territory it would be a pain in the ass for him to manually change the value of more than 1000 bonuses.... (in fact 99% person would look for another map at this point I suppose)

Edited 8/21/2016 11:09:44
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 11:15:48

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
3b is not possible. You can give at max "1 army for every territory"
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 12:26:09

Level 53

1)I am aware of that tool and will probably use it

2)I will

3)I don't think you understood what I said.The 4 bonus value for most territories is just a placeholder and each one will be changed according to how powerful I want the nations to be.This is a horribly inefficient way to go about it,since I hve to edit each bonus twice,but I didn't know any better when I started making this map,so I'm stuck with it
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 12:45:18

Level 57
Maybe at the end u could sumbit 2 versions of that map? One with all those +4 bonuses and 2nd one with only "normal"("triangle") bonuses? I'd really like to play your map (especialy if u manage to pack it with more than 2k territries which would be superb since there arent much maps of that size) but if I had to manualy change the value of all those bonusses, one by one ....
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-21 14:39:21

Level 53
How can I do that?By releasing two almost maps?Is that allowed?(I guess it is,if one can get away with copying)
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-08-25 18:18:55

Level 53
Seeing the way too long a time it will take to change all the bonuses,I decided to do as such:

-Make a new svg without any territories but with the bonus links

-Load that up in the map editor

-Change all the bonuses around as I see fit and add the new ones

-Load the old svg with the territories back

This means I will have to name and link the bonuses to the territories all over again,but I think it will be much less frustrating that waiting half a minuste for every bonus to load.

Unless the number of bonuses makes that process slow as hell too.Has anyone here tried anything similar to this before?Has it worked?Should I do it or am I just losing more time?
Peloponnesian war big map: 2016-09-01 20:35:24

Level 53
So I tested it in a duped version of the map(don't know why I didn;t think of this earlier) and it seems that it is tied not to the number of territories of the size of the SVG,but to the amount of existing bonuses.

That means it is going to take ages to add that remaining bonuses and redo the old ones:(

So the map will not be released very soon.If anyone is willing to help me with determining the incomes,it would be great.
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