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ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 15:11:07

Level 10
কোন এক একটি বিষ্ঠা দেয়, আপনি এত অহংকারী এবং সব কাজ করার প্রয়োজন হবে না.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 15:49:46

Level 57
That's why I was wondering if you were trolling Ska, since my statements where neutral facts combined with questions...what were you disagreeing with?

Btw, maybe it's just me, but inviting someone who already has a clan and then sending a second invitation after said person with a clan has already declined, is considered rude. Just saying.

Now to what you were saying:
Clans like the Warlighters and 101st had low pre-reqs in the beginning, sure, but I don't think they ever had no pre-reqs.

I mean, this isn't 1880s America: come as you are, or modern day EU: everyone welcome. It's a strategic game and a clan's reputation hangs on two major factors. 1. Good players or 2. Active players willing to learn. If you have 40+ members after 1-2 days, with no system structure, how well do you think that clan will function? It looks like an attempt to make a brand, rather than a functioning clan, IMO.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 16:12:40

Level 55
Your opinion has nothing to do with it though.

If people want to join a clan, or make a clan it's their decision what kind of a clan that will be. I'm not commentating on what kind of clan is the best.

I'm saying live and let live when it doesn't negatively affect you. And this doesn't.

You seem to be getting your knickers in a twist over the fact that I'm not agreeing with the general comments of "n00b tr1b3", "must be da trollz new tribe", "i hate the leader therefore i hate this tribe" or "your tribes sh1t if your not full of 1337 players"

Don't take it personally that I hold a different opinion and say so on a forum.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 16:25:21

Level 54
I request I stop being invited to join the clan too. I have too many commitments, like my Ancient History Fan Club.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 16:39:27

Level 57
I'm just trying to figure out if you were attacking me directly, or just disagreeing with my observations in general. Everyone has a different perspective and I won't start lynching people for expressing theirs ;]

I actually don't agree with some of the comments being dropped here. I don't think they're a noob or troll tribe, rather, I think they're misdirected.

I won't condemn them for not considering my opinion, I mean, they may prove to be a decent clan that can hold its own in tournaments and clan wars, but bragging about being the largest clan when they have no other merits to show for, is bound to get a lukewarm response at best. The audience applauds* confidence, but when it washes over into arrogance, you're asking for trouble.

Edited 10/5/2013 16:40:55
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/5/2013 18:56:42

Level 48
I don't like that they are called clans! Can we change it to Fun Bunches or maybe Strategery Buddies?
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 07:34:39

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
Partners in Crime.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 09:15:41

Cheery Dog
Level 57
Apparently changing the account name is reason enough a secondary invite. I may have peeked into your tribe the first time and found nothing, but if people have declined, we're not going to be interested being invited a second time either.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 12:34:55

Level 63
Members can not use foul language. Pulsey, how did you get in :p
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 17:58:11

Level 58
^ trolls attract trolls
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 19:05:49

Level 61
Warlighters, Regl and 101st were all at one point attacked for the things most of the commentators here find so rephrensible in this clan. Namely they had lower pre-reqs than other clans at the time or peope thought there leaders weren't good enough to join an existing clan, nevermind lead one. They all three, seem to be doing better now, and I'd guess people in those clans would say they learned with their clan.

Wait what? Is the attack on REGL back when we were one of the only clans on wl? I have been in REGL for about a year now or something like that (cant be bothered to check profile page) and don't remember us being attacked on the forums.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 19:52:05

Level 55
Regl used to be the tribe that pretty much anyone could join. The pre-reqs were "be a decent guy/gal" regl was more a (big) group of players other regls knew were decent to play with, in the beginning as opposed to a competitive clan.

So yeah before warlighters and 101st etc Regl were sometimes percieved as not having the best players. And it was sometimes mentioned they had lots of players.

Also while I'm down history road, hauptman it took 101st over a month to have pre-reqs and even then they were extraordinarily low.

Edited 10/6/2013 19:57:22
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 20:55:04

Level 59
Also while I'm down history road, hauptman it took 101st over a month to have pre-reqs and even then they were extraordinarily low.

Do you have a history book on the 101st? We've always had the bog standard pre-reqs, but we weren't exactly a good clan back then. How did you come up with a month? Extraordinary low- who do you think we are? A player of my old standards can't get a good clan from scratch.
Of course now, we have mildly high preqs. Also we are one of the most, if not thee most organised clan in terms of structure, recruitment and events in fact. You may disagree, but we are growing. ;)

Edited 10/6/2013 20:57:52
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 21:35:52

Level 55
Oh dear alex.

I'll just pop this link here It's from a thread you made. It's got these super cool things called time stamps on the comments.

You can do what I did and read it.

Anyway this post more than a month after your OP says you NOW have requirements:

"There has been a change in Recrutiment:

Stage 1-For starter there are some reqiuments to be able to join the 101st:
-more than 300 games played
-more than 25% win rate 2v2 and 3v3 because we like playing team games.
-less than 15% boot rate
That's all for reqiuments."


Admittedly you do also say there are "some" requirements in the op but they are never mentioned. The recruitment thread prior to this one is just you going new idea! Regiments! Join pl0x.

And I recall the forum posts around 101st being set up because they were full of comedy value.

You made a lot of silly posts and epically failed to get into warlighters, you were the first to fail the recruitment game! I remember that because it caused me to make the noobschool thread.

That time was just like this thread silly constant recruitment threads that pissed everybody off from silly noobs making clans.

What I've been saying in my comments is it's not worth getting all high and mighty and moaning over being invited to a clan. Because if Alex ans Arun can learn to stop doing that stuff surely the illuminati people have that potential also?

Anyway alex i think you massively misread me. I did say warlighters and 101st were a lot better now, but that like this clan they had a rocky start on the forums.

Edited 10/6/2013 21:41:55
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 22:08:40

Level 59
Oh dear Ska

No need to get in a hissy fit. The reason why I replied to your post, was because you were implying you knew about us. Not every thing can be seen on the forum, I don't update after each hour. Every post I made all that time ago, was ridiculous i admit but have you not. When I mentioned Some, the requirments were on my profile back then. Of course it was a comedy filler, what do you expect with a new noob clan.Thats how childish this forum can be.

Of course I failed, I was a noob at the time with just over 200 games played. Would warlighters accept me now? That was nice of you calling me a silly noob, but still making noobschool!?

Mighty?Moaning? You serious
Stop doing this, I stopped ages ago.

You just conclude your argument in 1 sentence, was there a need for the various paragraphs before? Do you just like having arguments?
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 22:22:01

Level 59
clan drama is back.
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 22:23:11

Level 55
So to sum up:

You agree with what i said about 101st because you were new then. And you agree you've changed for the better since then.

You're angry though that when you asked me a direct question I responded with a direct answer.

I'm so sorry you had to read a full answer, it must be such a chore that people don't abridge everything for you.

By the way were you ever moaning on this thread? No were you ever high and mighty? No. So does it not stand to reason that I wasn't saying you were? I mean you hadn't even commented before this evening, so how could that have been aimed at you?

Edit: making noobschool ... go read the OP it's in the first comment on the thread lol

Edited 10/6/2013 23:01:22
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/6/2013 22:42:37

Level 59
oh min, havent you seen me all civilized and calm on the REGL chat?
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/7/2013 00:14:30

Level 57
Just an idea.

If all new clans get trolled and booed in the beginning, maybe it's best we let that happen. The clans that are serious will learn from this experience and the ones that aren't ready will collapse. Everyone has to suffer growing pains, it makes you stronger, if you live through it :]
ILLUMINATI CLAN & A Question: 10/7/2013 01:30:22

Level 46
101st has just shown themselves to be nothing but childish.

get a girlfriend :)

Take one of mine :P



Edited 10/7/2013 01:30:45
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