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Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/14/2016 13:11:12

Angry Koala
Level 57
"we do we provide" Very correct... It seems Grammar Nazis do not know how to use proper English, at least use commas.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/14/2016 13:45:47

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
To those who don't help others but say they do:

Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/14/2016 23:41:15

Empire of Kilos
Level 36
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 00:55:58

E Masterpierround
Level 58
Interesting application of basic economics. People will do whatever benefits them most. If the good feeling they get from donating to charities outweighs the value of the money they donate, they will donate that money. They do it for their own happiness, the recipients benefit only incidentally. That's why many charities have such heart-touching commercials on TV, or advertisements elsewhere. The ads increase the psychological benefit of donating, so happiness gained from donating becomes worth a larger amount of money.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 06:03:22

Konkwær III
Level 54
^By that logic, wouldn't all philosophies be, at root, Epicurean?
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 11:18:29

Angry Koala
Level 57
Donating to my church

I thought you were Jewish... Stop inventing a life trollberg.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 11:33:11

Angry Koala
Level 57
Sure and you were a businessman living in Britain until today, and left the UK for Utah because they were intolerant with you, and as the UK is a very renowned dictatorship they banned you. Trollberg...
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 11:34:17

Angry Koala
Level 57
And Jewish is not a race, illiterate racist troll.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 11:41:06

Level 56
" Jewish is not a race"
Yeah, it is. They are a Semitic ethnicity. It is also a religion, but it is a race nevertheless.

Edited 1/15/2016 11:41:33
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 12:28:30

Angry Koala
Level 57
Being Jewish is again not a race, Gosh GEneralPE and Trollberg, let me explain you why.

Being Jewish is not a race, you can be of Jewish cultural background from Yemen, from Poland, from Russia, from Persia, from Italy, from Spain, etc etc. Jews spread like the Christians or Muslims in many nations, genetically there is no Jewish genes at all, a Jewish Pole is genetically similar to any other Christian Pole. Jewish is mainly a cultural identity referring mostly to a religion. Modern Jewish people have nothing to do with the former Hebrews. Hence being Jewish is not being part of a race. I cant believe both of you being that naive and ignorant, anyway I hope now you wont mix everything again (although I doubt it seeing how much you both are biased) Being part of a culture or religion is not being part of a "so called race".
Btw you should be really careful when using the word "race" since it is no longer accepted by modern scholars, ethnologists or anthropologists.
You are here both giving credits to very backwards racial ideologies.

Trollberg you aren't Jewish if you are Christian, that's all. A Muslim converting to Christian faith is no longer Muslim, same applies to you, if of course what you say is real, since you lied so much we cannot even know what is true from what you said.

Edited 1/15/2016 12:45:28
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 12:36:13

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Jews (Semites) are an Ethnicity, not a race.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 12:37:39

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
The only Races are:


And Australoid and Capioid are still debated.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 12:42:58

The Man Who'd Buy Spain
Level 30
;) Just making sure. (I'm Darth's alt)
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 12:58:24

Angry Koala
Level 57
Darth is right indeed, it could be defined about an ethnicity (cultural, religious identity). Being Jewish is not a race, again Trollberg you said yourself you were Christian, hence I can hardly think you as a Jewish person, since the main factor identifying a Jewish person is its religion: Judaism.
Same thing applies for other ethinicities, I will give you my own personal example: I am ethnically Basque, but what defines someone being a Basque person, part of the Basque people is not his ancestry/race, but the fact if this person knows how to speak the Basque language: in Euskara, we say the only "true/real" Basques are only the people speaking Basque. Nationalist Basques such as those of the terrorist organization of ETA are defining the Basques upon a supposed "race" which come from 19th century extreme nationalists and pro racial ideologies, but originally and traditionally speaking the Basques are Basques only if they are Euskaldunak literally meaning "the people that master the Basque language", nothing else. So a Japanese guy speaking Basque is Euskaldun, a person of Basque ancestry not mastering his ancestors's language isn't Basque.
I believe the same thing applies for Jews, you aren't part of the Jewish people if you aren't part of the Judaic religion, I hope you get my point.

Nonetheless I disagree Darth about your definition of Human Races. There is only one race nowadays admitted by modern scholars: The Human Race.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 13:13:14

Angry Koala
Level 57
ethnicity is not a religion or culture you moron.

Definition of Ethnicity
relating to large groups of people who have the same customs, religion, origin, etc.

Edited 1/15/2016 13:17:03
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 13:19:30

Angry Koala
Level 57
"Newer definition" xD

Well, trollberg I had fun debating with you anyway.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 14:20:09

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Because Judaism is an ethnic religion, one cannot convert to Judaism and become a Jew. The religion has been passed down through the generations of people from Jews. So even though the religion is a factor for making Semites an ethnicity, there are actually genetic traits that can be seen throughout Jews.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 14:36:23

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Check the Khazar Jews.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 18:11:37

Level 55
I now define the word ethnicism. Like racism, only against an ethnicity.
Everyone's a Hypocrite: 1/15/2016 22:13:46

Angry Koala
Level 57
Darth, stop saying bullshit would you, Jews aren't a race, Jews aren't defined according to their genetics, a Jew from Ethiopia (Beta Israel) or from Yemen, has nothing to do with a Jew from Russia, China (see Kaifeng Jews) or France. Being Jewish is mainly something defined according to their religion: Judaism. This has always been this way.
Furthermore, Trollberg, you seem to know nothing about your own origin (if you are a real Ashkenazi), Ashkenazi Jews descent partly from Khazar Turks, do some researches.

Some Jewish people from all around the world here:

Kaifeng Jews (China)

Felashas/Beta Israel Jews (Ethiopia):

Sefarad Jews (Algeria/North Africa):

German Ashkenazi Jews (North East Europe):

Now, I posted these images as you do not seem to be convinced by scholar works/articles, and I hope you now see that being Jewish isn't a race, as Jews are found all over the world, being Jewish is a cultural/religious identity.
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