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Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:28:17

Level 31
also fizzer what if existing clans (that have proof they are legit) can bypass the $15 or they can gain the $15 back after awhile if they are legitament or something like that
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:28:57

Level 31
i like that Nebuchadnezzar
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 03:43:36

Level 31
also it gives a incentive to join a clan and socialize and... be kinder too
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:00:39

Level 54
Shouldnt the first questions be:

What will be considered a clan?
What will be the requirements for creating a clan?
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:03:18

Level 31
go to the link that henns givs it explains some of it there
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:05:43

Level 55
Ninja it would have been quicker for you to type $15.

@myhand if you can pay 15 bucks you can make a clan.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:05:49

Level 54
If it costs something to create a clan, there should be free clan creation right tournaments.
Similiar to membership tournaments.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:10:09

Level 31
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:35:34

Level 54
yeah, just invite a representitive to the best clans, or maybe the winner of clan league (apex or wm) gets it for free
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:36:53

Level 54
No, I meant totally new clans to be able to be created.
For instance Gui might want to start a new clan under an alt.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:37:42

Level 31
no because the $15 price is to stop people from making clans for no reseon so i think that if there is a clan tournament it should be free to clan leaders/manegers
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 04:39:17

Level 59
If it was for free, some troll (possibly me) would have made a lot of accounts, and made a lots of clans, and used current clan names to troll.

The $15 means that people who are really serious about making a clan can do so.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 05:42:19

Level 51
I think it would be fun to see an ongoing 'king of the mountain' set up between clans.

Players for either team would queue and the players at the top of the list would play a set template (later perhaps a choice of several) to determine the king of the mountain. The next player on the losing team would then step up to challenge.

Similar to the ladder, players could join or leave at any time. Stats and records could be linked to the clan pages, allowing outsiders to come and view them when they check out the clans.

This system could also be used for clan battles, if both clans were to choose X number of players and the winning clan would be declared when every member of one clan has been defeated.

Edited 9/23/2013 05:45:26
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 11:19:04

Level 61
Thanks Fizzer for making clans official
as to clan wars I think a clan ladder could work
a 1v1 would be fun and I would do it similar to the 1v1 ladder
but each clan will be represented by several clan members and the clan ratings would be the combined rating of all participating clan members
a strategic ME template of course would be nice but a rotating template would be awesome
obviously you should program it so no same clan members would be paired against each other
and maybe make it so that each clan needs minimum clan members to participate in it
but anyway any kind of clan war would be great

Edited 9/23/2013 11:19:38
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 11:31:12

[GeZyS] sajdon (RETIRED FROM WL, THNX!) 
Level 60
The simples way is the best. Why not add a setting to a new game "Clans only game", where you can add people to teams only within the same clan.

These games would be shown on clan page as played by clan vs clan.

There sould be new type of open games "Clan games" which only clan members would see. There should be some improvement in inviting players or clans to the game.

1) You make a clan game and CHOOSE an opposite clan or clans (put it like an open seat) - it is shown on clan's page as open game to join for any clan memeber.
2) if you do not declare what clan u play against, any clan member can join opposite team and then it is reserved only for that clan
3) there should be some limits - if game is 3v3 a member or 2 players clan can not join it and if a game is 3v3 and you got 3 memebers, 2 joined the game and 1 left clan - those 2 players should be removed from the game, and if it was vs invited clan - the invitation should be cleaned.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 11:40:43

sasha grey
Level 54
we need flags first
the most important feature for Warlight now
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 12:12:38

Level 58
Real-time 1v1 ladder
Multiple multi-day ladders
Challenge-based ladder (with option to decline)
Seasons with divisions (like how most team sports work)
^^ All with individual and clan ranks

Clan Wars:

Each Clan War season the clan leaders can create one tournament and each clan has one or two teams participate.

Though, if this clan/league system is to work properly, the tournaments probably need to be overhauled. Logical and fair tie-breakers, seeding, records and ranks WHILE the tournament is in progress, new tournament options in addition to RR and single/double-elimination (seasonal ladder format would work), etc.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 12:33:41

{rp} General Mac 
Level 53
In all honesty what in I would like to see in general is a lot of different ladders with different maps and settings

At the moment mere mortals like myself stand no chance of getting close to the top of the ladder as 1v1 just isn’t my strong point so I get bored of it very quick. I think it would be nice to see the following ladders

1v1s rotating maps
2v2 rotating maps
Large FFAs
some sort of multi attack ladder

We need ladders that showcase people that have different skills other than just 1v1 or 2v2 on medium earth

If we had these then there would be no reason we couldn’t have the same for clan but maybe even with rotating maps and players so that each game randomly picks players from your pool. On your clan page you register which players are happy to enter which ladders

So for example on the 3v3 ladder your clan sets it to 2 games at a time and when one game finishes the system plucks out 3 random players from the clan who have registered for 3v3 to play against another clan

This way even if you play the same clan regularly at least you shouldn’t always be playing the same players

this is all just thinking out loud....i know the programming behind this wouldn't be easy
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 12:53:34

Level 58
I like mac's ideas a lot.
Clan Wars brainstorm: 2013-09-23 13:37:45

Level 55
Just a request from those of us not in clans. Whatever you do do, try not to make it so you don't have to be in a clan to get functionality out of the game.

I know you see this as the best way of attracting new players and everything. But there are also a lot of people who like warlight for what it is. And joined warlight for what it is. And told their friends about warlight because of what it is. And paid money to support warlight for what it is.

I'd like you to remember them as well Fizzer when you're making your clan changes.

Edited 9/23/2013 14:06:36
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