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Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:14:31

Professor Ienzo Corazza◇
Level 35
You are very Right, Generalissimo.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:14:58

Level 53
waaaah waaaah they changed duh logo, waaah dey changed duh description. Stop crying jesus christ. you can still play the game you can still use clan forums stop crying. Also you should be glad you now have the flag of the third reich.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:15:12

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Nooooo! Taiwan did it! Mao Ze Dong demands that CORP support China sending security troops to stop rebelliousness in our province of Taiwan!
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:41:20

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
sue me already. :P
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:45:02

Level 49
I am very confused. How do you hack a clan.....
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:49:09

The Onion
Level 38
Hijack not hack someone got manager rights and changed a few things, normally they boot everyone to.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 03:49:12

Nico (TLN)
Level 40
To think, some people aren't proud to be Nazis....what kinda world do we live in...
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 04:22:25

Level 57
First: I think that at minimum the leader of a clan should not be able to be removed by someone with manager rights. Idea: have levels of manager rights, certain persons placed have the ability to remove those below and equal to them, but not above.

Second: The person responsible for this either A.Hacked a manager right's account, B.Has an account with manager rights in the clan, or C.Actually hacked warlight to do this.
Option B seems the most likely, but I believe only Corp members would know who has manager rights.

Third: The larger the group of people, the less likely that they are trustworthy. That is why limiting manager rights to a small group of persons works best.

Fourth: Motive seems to be someone complaining about something happening in their clan chat, this is more evidence pointing towards a current corp member, possibly one with manager rights taking over the clan.

Last: In the meantime, more clans other than TLW should start accepting temporary members of CORP as refugees to reduce the impact that this is causing on the overall community.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 04:30:46

Thomas 633
Level 56
I'm fine with accepting them, but I betcha most will be back by the end of the day.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 04:38:00

Level 57
Yeah, I'm expecting that most will return once the issue is solved, a temporary clan to stop at is a temporary clan. Its a refugee crisis, and all clans are neighbors, but TLW is the only one with open borders. Like most refugee crises, most of the refugees will return to their homeland, few will stay.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 04:47:19

Castle Bravo
Level 56
I can't believe you SJWs and PC wimps can't handle the Nazi flag icon. Oh wait, yeah I can. I'm just disappointed. It's okay to use the symbol of other mass-murdering nations such as the USSR and the Empire of Japan, but it isn't okay to use the swastika simply because of the Zionist media.

If it were up to me, I would keep the swastika flyin'. The people of Europe need it for hope in the midst of this Muslim invasion "refugee crisis".

Edited 9/20/2015 04:49:17
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 04:51:38

Level 56
Why do they need a "refugee" clan in the first place?

Edited 9/20/2015 04:52:02
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 05:13:46

The Onion
Level 38
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 05:21:42

Level 53
based castle you may want to check out /pol/ frent :P
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 06:40:00

Des {TJC}
Level 58
And this is why we /CAN'T/ have nice things.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 07:05:31

Level 59
I just woke up. I don't know who the hell did it, but he sure as hell made it look like it was Juq...
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 07:06:01

Level 59
You repent.
You should apologize.
Say that you were wrong and I'm right in our arguments if you want your clan back.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 07:07:53

Level 59
Also, 6 people had manager rights. I'm 100% sure it was not me and 99% sure it wasn't either Ox, Prabster, Kazuki nor Andres. There is Achilles, too, but he was inactive for a month last time I checked.
Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 07:08:57

Level 59
I'm still in the clan, but my MR got removed. I thought I could just relax and not see any hijacks anymore after the Falcons and the Wolves... turns out I was wrong....

Calling out Жұқтыру, Clan Hijacker.: 9/20/2015 07:13:54

The Onion
Level 38
Juq wouldn't make it sound like himself.
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