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Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 21:22:21

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Name something in games that you hate.
Third Person games where the camera is like the working class; if you can't control it it will destroy you!
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 21:25:02

Lolicon love
Level 56
Missing textures.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 21:59:56

Level 51
A game series were almost nothing changes. Call of Duty and Madden are examples. Poorly made campaigns and predictably plot.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 22:11:50

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Unskippable cutscenes.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 22:17:58

An abandoned account
Level 56
Football Manager 2015

1) Defenders missing simple headers allowing the other team to get in behind.
2) Goalkeepers taking forever to stand up after making save.
3) Goalkeepers standing still when the striker is through 1on1.
4) Players shooting from very acute angles that they'll never score from.
5) Players who kick the ball long when you've instructed them pass it short, retain possession and play out of defence.
6) Agents in general.
7) Lack of intelligence from journalists.
8) Players who walk slowly towards the ball when they're the nearest to it and allow an opponent who's further away to run to the ball and get there first.
9) Goalkeepers taking free kicks too far away from the penalty area, give the ball away and give the opposition an open goal to aim at.
10) Players who do this:

Edited 8/5/2015 22:45:06
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 22:26:44

Level 63
Having teammates in any tactical or strategic game(mode) that have no idea what they are doing, or are not willing to help in the least to get the OBJ is by far the worst thing in the world.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/5/2015 23:28:53

Level 54
Unskippable Intros where it just shows you the company credits.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:00:10

Thomas 633
Level 56
Stuff I hate from every game I play frequently:

Assasin's Creed: I essentially fight by spamming the A button and using smoke bombs.
CoD: No storyline, too easy on Medium, campaign is way too short.
Forza Motorsport 5: Boring as fuck, the woman announcer, the funeral siren music that you can't get rid of.
Forza Horizon 2: The game is making me pay in credits after downloading the car packs now, so I can't actually use them (the cars are too expensive).
GT6: Half the cars are off the PSP, career mode is way, way too easy.
Halo 1-4: 1. Damn its hard... Also parts where the best tactic is to blindly run at things.
2. Feels a bit empty compared to 1, you complete the final level as the Arbiter, who is kinda used to be evil.
3. (after Halo 2 Anniv) But where did all the graphics go?
4. Damn hard again, weapons run out of ammo, the ending.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:12:14

Level 54
Halo is one of the worst games I had the pleasure of playing.

It would have been better if there were things better grounded in reality. And, you know, Physics. Any Physics. Seriously. Where are the Physics?
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:33:57

Thomas 633
Level 56
You are wearing a suit that gives you superhuman abilities...
(thinks Halo is one of the best games I have ever played)
What annoys me about the physics is that if you fall, it shows you dying before you hit the bottom. Oh, and your laptop keeps talking even in the death cutscene.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:34:57

Level 54
as far as FPS's go, I prefer Battlefield. The vehicles are fun to mess with, and the guns and such feel more mature.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:40:10

Level 54
Now i gotta do what Thomas did:

Civ 5: No major complaints, though not spawning near Iron or Coal always bothers me
Skyrim: Relative pointlessness of one handed weapons once you realize there's no value in holding two at once. Though this can be solved, I still don't like it. Incessant wolf attacks.
Titanfall: An overspam of Burn Cards
Halo: Offline non-campaign play sucks.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:41:48

Level 54
No complaints about Civ 5? The AI is god damn near awful and Diplomacy is useless as always :p
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:46:55

Thomas 633
Level 56
Love the fact noone has listed any complaints about the game we all play, considering the fact that it certainly isn't perfect.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 01:58:39

Thomas 633
Level 56
Each to his own. Haven't tried it, because it fails the will I buy it test:

1. Is it made by EA? ---FAILED---
2. Is it for kids? ---PASSED---
3. Does it look awesome? ---PASSED---
4. Does my solitary friend on Xbox one have it? ---FAILED---

For me to look at a game, it must pass three of these tests, and can't fail the first one.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 02:02:06

Level 54
what's the problem with EA? I think they have a solid roster.

Mass Effect, A Very Good FPS (Battlefield) ....

okay they're not the best. But just don't buy the DLC and it's like a normal company!
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 02:08:05

Thomas 633
Level 56
This is why:
EDIT: Forgot Asphalt 8
Asphalt: Very hard to win without spending $$$, graphics are bad on windows.

Edited 8/6/2015 02:08:47
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 02:09:27

Des {TJC}
Level 58
CoD:After World at War, the game turned into garbage, the only real saving grace was Black Ops and zombies. But even then some of the fun maps like Moon you have to pay for. Campaigns are the same, you don't have to aim to kill things, no tactics nothing. Same with every mission

Battlefield: Each campaign is way too short with a majorly anticlimatic ending. Physics in the game are amazing, along with the vehicles but, you're forced to drive instead of being able to switch to the primary gunner position (depending on the vehicle). Multiplayer is amazing if your playing with 4 other friends and able to talk with each other. (ALLAH AKBAR!!!!!! NO DES DON'T DO IT. YES, YES I WILL CHARGE THIS TANK WITH NOTHING BUT MY REPAIR TOOL). If you're playing along its pretty much boring, not fun and full of rage. Plain and simple. Oh yeah, and physics. Can't forget the overly realistic bullet drop at two feet away with the UMP45

Halo: Amazing campaigns, shitty multiplayer, great maps. But, Halo Wars 2 is being made by CA and 343, so it'll be nice.

Elderscrolls:Boring after 5k hours put into it. (Yes I do have a life...I think) Dungeons are too repeatable. You don't get a real option to choose about what you want to say. And everything is the same on each run through. DLC's added a little but not enough to continue really playing.

Witcher:Dear god, the 3rd game is amazing. But again, limited dialogue choices and very much assassins creed combat style. Campaign is very, very solid. And on the hardest difficulty (Death March) it truly is hard. Seriously and truly hard. (I'm still trying to get that damn achievement, and if anyone does gods pound you.)

Assassins Creed:Too repeatable, the last two games have been trash. Recent marioish one also very much sucked. Oh well.

NBA:MyCarrer is the only thing worth playing, but once you become a starter its pretty much boring. Myteam and other such gamemodes suck. Really...really suck.

Madden:Terrible game mechanics but it gets progressively better each year. Madden Ultimate Team is the only gamemode worth playing. The be a career mode is terrible, and they didn't invest much time into it. Its quite sad.

Fifa: Fifa Ultimate Team: Over the top through balls are still OP, too much shit that doesn't happen in real life happens. (Bale gets the ball at kick off, walks two steps forward towards your goal kicks it and it goes in. Doesn't matter who your goalie is) Price Ranges saved the game even though many people said it ruined it. It made it so people aren't spending 10million plus coins on someone "good".
My Career:If you don't set it for first summer transfer, no matter what team you want to play for you'll go else where. Especially if you're rated over the original player. Other than that, game mechanics are pretty good.

So many other games I could've listed but. I don't want you guys bitching about it too much.

Edited 8/6/2015 02:12:32
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 02:13:32

Thomas 633
Level 56
Lel. Try GT for something that everyone both has something great in, and something to whack it with. Or you can do that with iPhones, Windows, or just about anything that has existed for a long time. Those arguments are the most interesting, because at the end everyone agrees that all things are awesome.
Annoying things in videogames: 8/6/2015 02:35:08

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I am annoyed by no Napoleonic Wars Assassin's Creed games. Come on that was more exciting then probably all of the previous assassin's creed game locations.
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