
The WarLight forum is a place where players can discuss openly. Visit it at

RSS feeds for forums are available at


The forum of WarLight consists of these three sub-forums. All threads you make should be created in the proper category.


Here you can place the general topics on WarLight you'd like to discuss about.

Map Development

If you are creating a new map, responding on a newly created map, or just want to talk about maps in general, post here.


All ladder-related discussion here. E.g. specific games, players or about how ladders work in general.

CLOT Development

Custom Ladder Or Tournament framework-related chat here. Like if you want help on scripting something.


Some forum threads will be marked as notable by a moderator. These threads will show up on the Dashboard page for a week. Moderators will choose forum posts that are interesting, funny, or they just think that the WarLight community will generally be interested in.

The Forum sub-tab will show all posts, notable or not. Making a thread notable just causes it to appear on the Dashboard page. This provides a way for players that only casually read the forum to get the highlights without having to wade through the fluff.


Matma Rex has created a number of copies of the WarLight forums, because since update 1.09.0, threads that have not been posted on for over 6 months get deleted. To avoid the permanent loss of them, he'll make mirrors every six months. View the thread about them here.