Nuke Card

The Nuke card was created by user dabo1. It has a similar effect to the Bomb Card.

  • It reduces the number of armies by 50% (round up) in the "epicenter" territory
  • It reduces the number of armies by 25% (round up) in all the connecting territories

These settings can be modified so that the number of armies reduced can go between 0% and 100%, but the minimum armies removed is always 1.

Custom card version

This mod, called "Custom card", can only be accessed from the menu; Game -> Mod: Custom Card.

Drawback: [b]Do not use the Custom Card version on a map worth lots of territories![/b]

Reconnaissance card version

This version simply adds the nuke card functionality to the reconnaissance card without changing the image. You need to add the reconnaissance card to the game, or else the mod won't work.

Drawback: you can't use the reconnaissance without damaging the territories. You might forget that the recon card also nukes territories. Advantage: This version is more visible(in the card menu). This version slould be used with large maps.

Recon vs Custom card
Advantages Drawbacks
Reconnaissance version you can have both the nuke and the reconnaissance card in the game you have to select a territory from a list of all territories to nuke manually.
Custom Card version you can't have both the nuke and the reconnaissance card in the game You can select a territory by clicking it, not by scrolling in a long list.

See also