Mexican-American War

Created by LeGreatness (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/4/2017
Number of attempts: 135
Number of wins: 97
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: qegstuwe in 10 turns on 2/4/2017


After ten years of independence, the Republic of Texas, who won a hard fought revolution against Mexico, finally became a State in the USA. The US distrusts the Mexican dictator Santa Ana, and the Americans eye California with greed. But a border dispute in Texas, soon leads to all out war.

The US eyes California and the subsequent land in-between with greed, and a group of American settlers revolt under a Bear Flag. Lead the American forces to the Halls of Montezuma, and claim your Manifest Destiny!