Donald wars | World against America

Created by André Sviski Johnsen (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/9/2017
Number of attempts: 505
Number of wins: 173
Number of likes: 29
Record holder: msol in 10 turns on 2/13/2017


The Commanders of the world has gathered their forces to make a stand against american McDonalds. Their fries have tormented Your bellies long enough. No more greezy sleezy not-at-all crispy chips. Also you don't really like Donald Trump. So this is a war against the Donalds(except Donald Duck, we all love Donald Duck).

You, Jet Li, have been granted a great honor of controlling the asian empire in the war against America. In Your World alliance against Donald you got the European Union and the African Unity to back you up. The australians is kinda helping out, sending you troops. They seem to be playing this safe. Good Luck Commander!