the end of the kingdom of austrias swd pre series

Created by deaththekid89 (all)
State: Retired
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/12/2017
Number of attempts: 136
Number of wins: 88
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: spuriousname in 14 turns on 3/13/2017


swd= spanish world domination

in the beginning ruled the visagoth kingdom which took over from the old romen empires provences in spain in which this new kingdom took over the iberian peninsula (latter to be known as emeriate)now its your turn to rise up durring the reconqesta to rule the current nation of spain and eventually travel farther

back when the days of austrias lived a king whos sons had pushed him out of power and split the kingdom between them now the king of leon wishes to incorporate austrias however the kingdom rises up after its kings death. now you and galicia will fight to destroy the old kingdom unite leon with austrius