First Blackfyre Rebellion

Created by CJ (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/13/2016
Number of attempts: 103
Number of wins: 77
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: tyrionlannister in 6 turns on 12/13/2016


The First Blackfyre Rebellion was fought between King Daeron II Targaryen and his bastard half-brother Daemon Blackfyre. While much of the realm remained loyal to the Targaryen king, large pockets joined Daemon's rebellion.

In the scenario, play as the Targaryen loyalists. Total army levels are near even to begin with, but the rebels have a significant territory disadvantage. A group of Myrish Crossbowman are crossing the narrow sea to join the rebels, but face delays.