Rise of Rome Part X: The Social War

Created by iamtaller (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/21/2016
Number of attempts: 247
Number of wins: 121
Number of likes: 21
Record holder: telis07 in 4 turns on 4/17/2024


In the Jugurthine War, The Kingdom of Mauretania gave Jugurtha to us in an act of treachery, and thus we won the war. In the Cimbrian War we successfully annihilated the tribes attacking us.

98 BC: Marcus Livius Druscus came up reforms to equalize the treatment of Italian and Romans in Italy. However, the senate rejected his ideas and assassinated him. Thus, in response many Italian cities have declared independence in a revolt. It is your job to stop this revolt immediately!