Rise of Rome Part VII: The Third Macedonian War

Created by iamtaller (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/17/2016
Number of attempts: 188
Number of wins: 151
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: pcamont in 9 turns on 11/2/2017


With the Roman-Seleucid War, we and our Greek allies managed to prevent Seleucid from conquering Greece, and forced them to give up much of their land in Asia Minor.

Recently King Phillip V, who we fought against and with, has died and was succeeded by his son King Perseus of Macedon. We and Pergamum, our most important ally in the East, have long suspected that he harbors anti-Roman sentiments. We have sent commissioners to Macedon, but they were not allowed to see Perseus. They thought it was clear that Perseus was preparing for war.
Perseus has just attempted an assassination attempt on Eumenes, the King of Pergamum and our ally. And so, we have declared war upon Macedon for their slight.

In this war you will command the forces of all your allies, so command the Roman legions to victory!

This game is 15-40 turns long.