Rise of Rome Part V: The Second Macedonian War

Created by iamtaller (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/15/2016
Number of attempts: 217
Number of wins: 174
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: The Blue Pontiff in 9 turns on 12/19/2016


The second Punic War and the First Macedonian War has been won. Carthage is no longer a threat, and we stopped Macedon from aiding them.

Macedon and the Seleucid Empire have conspired to attack and split Egypt. Macedon decided to first attack several city-states in Thrace and Asia Minor. This worried Pergamum and Rhodes, who have an interest in that area, and they have appealed to our aid. We sent some ambassadors to Athens, and during their stay Athens declared war on Macedon who sent an army to attack Attica(The area near Athens). Our Ambassadors sent an ultimatum to Macedon that they must leave our allies alone, however, they refused, and thus, we are at war!

You are Flamininus, the Roman General. Take charge of your legion, and fight for the liberty of the Greeks!

10-25 turns