Game of Thrones: Rise of the Banners

Created by Jile Siwel (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/24/2022
Number of attempts: 680
Number of wins: 460
Number of likes: 67
Record holder: alifenorm in 18 turns on 5/24/2022


Ten Years after the events of the War of the Five Kings and the Long Night, the major houses are still vulnerable as ever.
Now, their once respected banners seek the opportunity for power over their overlords, and, the crown itself.

Play as:
House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point
House Yronwood of Yronwood
House Rowan of Golden Grove
House Tallhart of Stony Shore
House Lefford of Golden Tooth
House Grafton of Gulltown