Rise of the Czech Empire X

Created by Glory to Czechland (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/4/2016
Number of attempts: 421
Number of wins: 44
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Muli in 3 turns on 9/4/2016


Chapter 10: Dream
I already conquered central Europe. Tommorow I will declare war on East Europe. But now I am tired. Time to go sleeping...
I am already asleep, I am dreaming. But this dream seems to be different. Its so real. I am in a city with peaple in it. I can talk with them, they respond me like they would be real. But the strangest thing is that I can think! I can control myself. I can move freely.
I am here several hours now. The city hasnt seems to have an end. I am entering a library so I know where - *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*. Its my alarmclock! I feel like I am waking up now... Everything is disappearing... I am almost awake...
MY HEAD!!! I am in a dark room. There is noone but me. And same strange being. AHHHH! It is trying to get into my head! It is trying to CONTROL me! I have to fight it!
Difficulty: ???
Length: ???