ww2-save the war!

Created by North Kantonian Meme Empire (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/23/2016
Number of attempts: 85
Number of wins: 52
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: jkay in 17 turns on 8/23/2016


its 1945 in an alternate timeline, in which the war is going very wrong- the Germans have pushed back the Russians to Moscow in the north, and Kazakhstan in the south, and have taken half of Africa for the axis. on top of that, japan has is about to capitulate the chines government, and has claimed southeast Asia and much of the pacific for themselves. On top of that, turkey decided to join the axis last minute and claim the middle east. The war is in shambles, but there is still hope- you, as the remainder of the European forces of England, France, and the Benelux nations, have to liberate the world from the axis tyranny. do you have the strategy and skills to fight of the axis of evil on all parts of the globe? or is the world doomed to a dark future of German supremacy?