GoT Historical Campaign LVL 14

Created by Circle J (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/16/2016
Number of attempts: 224
Number of wins: 166
Number of likes: 19
Record holder: TheLawMan in 12 turns on 7/20/2016


157-161 AC-----Daeron conquers Dorne: Upon taking the throne at age fourteen, King Daeron I decides to finish Aegon the Conqueror's work and launches a successful invasion of Dorne. Unfortunately, he leaves a Tyrell of Highgarden in charge: a house that has warred with the Martells for thousands of years.
Later, The tyrannical rule of the Tyrells triggers an uprising against the Iron Throne. When Daeron I returns with a fresh army, he is killed, his cousin Prince Aemon the Dragonknight is captured and his forty thousand men are lost.