Shu Han restore the Han Dynasty (Easy level)

Created by BennyRock189 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/29/2016
Number of attempts: 269
Number of wins: 263
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: Muli in 3 turns on 6/29/2016


In 214AD Liu Bei takes Shu from Liu Zhang by Liu Zhang surrendered to Liu Bei
Sun Quan surrendered to Liu Bei after Liu Bei takes Shu
In 217AD Liu Bei takes the capital of Xu Chang from Cao Cao and Emperor Xian is saved and Emperor Xian want Liu Bei to become Emperor which Liu Bei accepts
In 219AD Liu Bei begins to invade Liaodong from Cao Cao to unify China under the Han rule