Decemberist Revolt (1826)

Created by JumpinJack14 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/3/2024
Number of attempts: 158
Number of wins: 145
Number of likes: 21
Record holder: Argoth in 7 turns on 4/3/2024



The year 1826, And a group of military officers known as the Decemberists have had enough with the Russian emperor for not aiding the cause for reforms and freedom as deserved. They now organized in secret a liberal society, and attempt a revolution to overthrow the autocratic system in the Russian Empire. The goal for the Decemberists is to create a liberal constitution for Russia, and to initiate modern reforms. While there were differences of opinion about whether Russia should be a constitutional monarchy or a republic, the Decemberists remained together in common cause with one agreement. They all sought for the abolition of serfdom and Equality before the law so that the people would earn the right to live freely, be well educated, and no longer have to fear cruelty and oppression.

Following the sudden death of Alexander I, Grand Duke Nicholas claims the throne when it should have been his brother Constantine. However the Decemberists led by Colonel Prince Sergei Trubetskoy, having been appointed as dictator/leader as the Decemberists, had stormed the Senate and successfully demanded the politicians to issue the "Manifesto to the Russian People." The Decemberists had successfully seized power in Saint. Petersburg just before the army and the senate could swear the Oath of Loyalty to Nicholas. On top of that, Colonel Paval Pestal, together with Lt. Colonel Sergei Muravyov-Apostol in Tulchyn now leads a Decemberist uprising in Ukraine. This begins a Civil War between the Decemberists against Nicholas. Few troops in the army swore loyalty to Nicholas I, while many sided Constantine and the revolutionaries who now formed the "Union of Prosperity for the Nation and the people."

You are the Decembrists, and you must lead the revolution against the autocratic government of Nicholas I, or die trying! Good Luck!