Operation "Down With The Tsar"

Created by Hitmarks (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/17/2023
Number of attempts: 436
Number of wins: 23
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Dragon in 6 turns on 12/20/2023


The failure in Ukraine weakened the Russian army to the point of collapse, and it was forced to retreat from Ukraine. NATO has issued an ultimatum, requiring Russia to sign a peace treaty with Ukraine. The dictator and the loyal oligarchs must surrender themselves and face trial for their war crimes.

Our intelligence indicates that the dictator is desperate and mentally unstable, increasing the risk of him using nuclear weapons. We cannot wait for NATO countries to organize their armies, so we must act swiftly before the dictator makes any reckless moves.

The US and NATO allies have assembled a small elite mechanized army and deployed it to Kaliningrad. Your mission is to assume command of this unit and advance rapidly into Russia to locate and capture the dictator. Keep in mind that he will be protected by his private army, so exercise caution. We are also supporting rebel uprisings to divert the attention of the Russian army, making it easier for your unit to enter Russia. Act quickly as Russia will try to reorganize their army and counter our operation. Good luck!