Conquest of the Solar System Part 5 REDUX

Created by DOOM or Death (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/7/2023
Number of attempts: 163
Number of wins: 122
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: Moinee in 5 turns on 12/8/2023


Our triumph over the Jovian Alliance is short lived. While the five known Generation ships have been captured and returned home, files aboard the 'Europe' indicate a sixth ship which has eluded us. Interrogation has been fruitless - all crew insist the missing 'Chrysanthemum' has gone "...somewhere [we] will never find it." Attempts to crack the encryption present have only managed to confirm our suspicions that the target coordinates lay outside the Solar System.

Soon after interrogation began, reports broke out of a revolt on Venus. Organised and properly equipped, the uprising has clearly been planned for a long time. They have already seized the capital, along with multiple outlying settlements. The recovered equipment from their repulsed assaults on the southern mines points to one outside supporter.

The Trans-Jovian Reich has from it's power base on Pluto swallowed the Oort Cloud, and the Neptune and Uranus systems. The Reich has had a monopoly on clean water within the Solar System for years before organised government had reasserted itself further Earthward. This, combined with discovery of fissile materials on Titania, has propelled the nation into an infuriating golden age. Clearly they feel threatened by our righteous expansion, and for good reason, as the hammer and sickle have always worked to crush and carve up the hooked cross. Their involvement in the Venus Uprising is inexcusable, and their treatment of fellow humans abominable. Destroy them - that's an order.