Wars of the North Pt 15

Created by Lord Maximus 15265 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/15/2022
Number of attempts: 162
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: mitxel in 19 turns on 11/20/2022


The Marsh Kings have defeated and the daughter taken to wife, the North is almost united. Almost. One more great king stands between you and the entire North under your command. King Borros Bolton has taken many of your lands, forcing Lords Karstark and Umber to submit on pain of their families death. The Greystarks have also allied with the Boltons, taking control of the Lands around the White Knife and building up a large army. They are dangerous and vicious. Call the banners and defeat them to claim full power over the North