The Song of Daemon #V - War around the Crownlands

Created by Whitenstein (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/19/2022
Number of attempts: 57
Number of wins: 49
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Igl in 10 turns on 10/19/2022


An alliance is formed to make an end to your territorial growth. The Kingdom of the Storm as allied itself with The Gull Republic and the Upper Reach Confederation in order to take control of your lands and split it between themselves. The Prince of Pentos helps you as promised by providing a fleet bought in Braavos by the riches of the defeated kahlasar in the previous war. Tarth as also decided to join you and bend the knee in exchange for Storm's End after the conflict is over.