The Tamriel-Summerset War (Summerset)

Created by reukinche (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/8/2022
Number of attempts: 355
Number of wins: 67
Number of likes: 21
Record holder: in 9 turns on 9/8/2022


I have never played Skyrim and have zero knowledge of its lore beyond some names. This war is definitely not canon. All I noticed is that if you give the Summerset Isles some sea route territory, it can lead to a situation loosely reminiscent of the Second Sino-Japanese War, with a naval power attempting to subdue a large land nation in a rapid war.

As Summerset, your aim should be to rapidly gain income sources, while – actually, no, I'm not going to make this any easier.