The 2nd Emu War/War Of Emu Seccession (read descr)

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/17/2022
Number of attempts: 250
Number of wins: 89
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Jose in 11 turns on 9/17/2022


After the 1st Emu War (1932) ended in Australian defeat, the Australian government has found an ingenius solution to the emu question. It is by rewarding those who successfully hunt emus in financial aid. This worked quite successfully. As emu killings ramped up, the emus decided they had enough. They want an independent state seperate from Australia to ensure the safety of the emu population. So in 1954, their leader, the emu known as Edward The Great, calls for mass mobilization of the emu population to create an militia. They employ hit and run tactics and with the leadership of Edward The Great they will fight a guerilla war of seccession. The Australian government sees this and declares war on all emus. The 2nd Emu War (1954), or the War Of Emu Seccession has begun.