The First Congo War (1996-1997)

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/19/2022
Number of attempts: 217
Number of wins: 107
Number of likes: 17
Record holder: T in 12 turns on 8/19/2022


Resentment against the Mobutu regime in Zaire (formerly named Democratic Republic of the Congo) and a spillover of fleeing refugees into the country due to the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi back the AFDL (Alliance Of Democratic Forces, made primarly out of Rwandan, Ugandan, Burundian and minority groups in Zaire) and other rebel groups in Zaire to overthrow Mobutu's regime. In late 1996 the AFDL and rebel groups launch a full scale invasion of Zaire from their bases in Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. You play as the rebels and will invade Zaire, capture the capital of Kinshasa and overthrow Mobutu. The Zaire military is relatively disjointed. You play as the AFDL/rebels