The Empire of Corn Pt. 3: The Betrayal

Created by EmperorTimmy17 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/16/2022
Number of attempts: 81
Number of wins: 76
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: KGA in 6 turns on 7/16/2022


After the Treaty of St. Paul was signed, the Coalition of the Midwest was carved up between The Empire of Corn and The People's Republic of Illinois. While the EoC (Empire of Corn) focused on quelling resentments in it's newly acquired regions, the newly elected president of Illinois started scheming with Nebraska and the newly formed Union of the Dakotas to increase their own lower and influence, and unfortunately for the EoC, it's existence clashed with the interests of the new Central Alliance. Soon, the EoC found itself in another defensive war, this time with no allies. It is now time for you to lead your nation into battle against these new foes and a scheming "friend".