Hail to the Qing 7

Created by loliconkamisama1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/21/2022
Number of attempts: 50
Number of wins: 23
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: iki in 15 turns on 5/22/2022


Son of Heaven, the time for the final war has come. Every empire and kingdom of the world has declared war on us -- even those who traditionally disdain the Europeans, such as the Kingdom of Siam.

But before we begin the final war, let me to update you on the state of the world thus far. Hitler’s Third Reich, supposedly destined to last a thousand years, has finally been defeated by the European powers. That is a relief; never was there a dictator so cruel or devious.

All states flattened by Nazi aggression has been restored. They are as follows: Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Greece, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Kingdom of Romania, Kingdom of Hungary, and the Polish Republic. Germany is also being re-molded into the revived Holy Roman Empire with the last Hapsburg, Otto von Habsburg, as head of state as reward for his ardent stance against Nazism.

Additionally, Italy’s fascist regime has fallen, and The Holy See has been tasked with ruling Italy with the Pope as the nation’s head of state. France has also taken control of Italian East Africa and finished conquering the Ethiopians; Britain has taken over Italian Libya. Oh, and the Kingdom of Albania has also been liberated from Italian Rule.

You have a challenging fight ahead of you, with 8 empires, 10 kingdoms, 1 theocracy, and 1 republic against you.

Good luck. And thank god that Switzerland has decided to remain neutral; that has secured them their spot as the only nation that Great Qing shall not conquer.