US Intervention Of Tajikistan, 2nd Tajik Civil War

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/25/2022
Number of attempts: 144
Number of wins: 124
Number of likes: 19
Record holder: Albuquerque in 9 turns on 3/25/2022


This scenario is fictional. It's 2012, with tensions increasing between Tajikistan and China over disputed land. China launches a surprise invasion of Tajikistan to annex a part of Tajikistan to give itself a gateway to Central Asia. With a spillover of Afghan insurgents causing terror attacks in the south of the country and in the capital and an invasion from the west. The Tajik government calls for international intervention. Russia somewhat of chinese ally doesn't intervene nor aids China in its affairs with the invasion but does intervene to aid the Tajik government against terrorists in the northern mountains of the country and to stop any US intervention in the northern half of the country. The United States Of America answers the call to help the government and army fight against the Chinese invasion and Afghan insurgents. The US's goals in Tajikistan are to eliminate the Afghan insurgents who have crossed into Tajikistan and help free the besieged capital and southern parts of insurgent control and to stop the Chinese invasion dead in its tracks and drive them back to the Chinese border.