Cold War Gone Hot: NATO, European Front

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/23/2022
Number of attempts: 96
Number of wins: 65
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: schlörpp in 13 turns on 3/24/2022


It's the early 1950s, in this alternate scenario the both the USSR and the West sign a treaty to get rid of their nuclear weapons to not risk total annihilation. But now it's late 1962 and tensions have been rising rapidly. The USSR has begun building up massive amounts of troops on the Austrian-Italian, Bulgarian-Greek-Turkish borders, the Caucasus (not many troops there due to transportation problems) and especially the East-West German border. As soon as the NATO powers start mobilizing their troops, the USSR and its Warsaw Pact launch an invasion Of Western-Europe and NATO Southern-Europe. And so it begins... You play as the NATO powers and must mobilize massive amounts of troops quickly and repel the initial Soviet invasion before its too late.