Hail to the Qing 3

Created by loliconkamisama1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/21/2022
Number of attempts: 128
Number of wins: 116
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: jandrew in 10 turns on 3/21/2022


Hello, Son of Heaven. Having successfully completed your last mission, you have gained the Mandate of Heaven and declared the revival of Great Qing. You have much to do: reclaim Mongolia and Tannu Tuva to the north, and regain presence in Mainland Southeast Asia.

However, the northern two nations are protected by the formidable United Socialist Soviet Republic. Worse yet, Mainland Southeast Asia is guarded by the vaunted Western powers that have humiliated Great Qing to the brink of ruin.

Declaring war on these two entities is suicidal. Thus you must first conquer new nations, expand the Sinosphere beyond its historical borders, and gain the power needed to conquer your enemies. If you survive this challenge, up next is the conquest of the USSR.