Hail to the Qing 2

Created by loliconkamisama1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/21/2022
Number of attempts: 125
Number of wins: 100
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: nocturnus in 12 turns on 3/21/2022


Hello Puyi, Son of Heaven. To prove your divine right to the Mandate of Heaven, begin by throwing off the Japanese yoke. Then depose the Nationalists in Wuhan, crush the Communists in Shanghai and subdue the Warlords across China before proclaiming the restoration of the Qing Dynasty that is your birthright.

This is a very ambitious goal. If you can pull it off, future Chinese historians will probably remember you as "the emperor that restored unity to China in its darkest hour" for centuries to come.