Invasion Of Barbados

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/16/2022
Number of attempts: 244
Number of wins: 204
Number of likes: 33
Record holder: MightyP in 14 turns on 3/16/2022


This scenario is fictional and is alternate history.
It's the 1960s, height of the cold war. A communist party in Barbados known as the PROB (People's Republic Of Barbados) have risen in power and popularity. They have been building up an army over the early 60s while launching guerilla attacks on British forces and police targets on the islands. Then in late 1966 with their army nearing 10000, they launch a full scale invasion from pockets around the country, overwhelming British forces stationed there and taking the capital in just a week, the rest of the country falls with ease. This catches the attention of the British which in early 1967 send an expeditionary force of 12500 troops and a portion of the royal navy to make an amphibious landing on the north of the country and liberate it