Turkish Invasion Of Cyprus

Created by ZDR_Dylan (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/11/2022
Number of attempts: 289
Number of wins: 179
Number of likes: 30
Record holder: Barbar17 in 9 turns on 3/11/2022


It's 1974, tensions between Greece and Turkey are at an all time high. All this tension was especially apparent in the island nation of Cyprus, who gained independence in the 1960s from the British. Cyprus had a majority Greek Cypriot population and a minority Turkish Cypriot population. Violence between the two groups were frequent especially after independence. Turkey, seeing violence committed against the Turkish Cypriot population prepares for a landing in Northern Cyprus to aid the Turkish Cypriots fighting the Greek Cypriots.