New Decade Part 3: WW3

Created by YeetyYeetman (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/22/2022
Number of attempts: 63
Number of wins: 52
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: jandrew in 12 turns on 2/22/2022


After India declared war against Pakistan in 2037, both called in their friends and allies. India's friends are the rest of the BRICS faction after it got a military reform. Each BRICS member called in their allies. While Pakistan's ally is the USA, which called in NATO (excluding Iberia because it's nationalist so it left NATO) and anti Russian countries. The UN, now an independent organisation, forced nuclear powers to not use nukes in this war, just conventional weapons for the sake of humanity. They All agreed. Now play as Russia and make America lose its streak of winning world wars!