New Decade Part 1: Iberian Crisis

Created by YeetyYeetman (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/22/2022
Number of attempts: 168
Number of wins: 99
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: jandrew in 18 turns on 2/22/2022


The year is 2031. A New Decade has come. Situation in Iberia is hopeless. Catalonians, promised independence after winning the 2027 referendum, did not get it. They were of course, angry and rebelled against the government. Seing an opportunity, people in the Basque region rebelled. Soon after, Galicia followed suit. Instability in the government led to communists and nationalists in the south to rebel. Portugal helped Spain in this dire times but collapsed after communist also in the south joined the Spanish communists. Galicia took Porto and after that, Spain fell to anarchy. There is still Spanish remnants in Madrid but it looks like the rebels will win. Command the Nationalist Party to victory and unite Iberia under one banner. All hail The Iberian Order!