EUROPE WW3 P4. Invasion Of The Baltics

Created by Rapid_RP (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/21/2022
Number of attempts: 105
Number of wins: 50
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: T in 10 turns on 2/21/2022


A majority of eastern Europe has now officially left NATO and have now formed the EUDP (Eastern Europe Defense Pact.) But in the not long after Russia declares war on the Baltics and the bordering EUDP nations with the excuse of having betrayed their nation in the soviet times. While no one is buying it, NATO has declared that they will not support EUDP for betraying the alliance. Finland and Norway have announced to aid the EUDP despite Norway being a NATO member.