Balkan Battles (1a)

Created by Lol (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0
Went public on 2/17/2022
Number of attempts: 319
Number of wins: 185
Number of likes: 20
Record holder: iki in 4 turns on 2/18/2022


Bosnia and Herzegovina only exists because of the balance between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republika Srpska. But with growing movements to join Serbia inside of the Republika Srpska, the balance began to fall apart. Seeing a separation soon, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina preemptively attacked the Republika Srpska, starting the Bosnian Crisis.

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina quickly captured a majority of the Republika Srpska land. But with Serbian troops and equipment, the Republika Srpska began to push back.