USA:a house divided

Created by arces (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/29/2022
Number of attempts: 245
Number of wins: 78
Number of likes: 18
Record holder: SirSimon in 19 turns on 1/30/2022


In the year 2026 the United States experienced it's third coup, this time counter revolutionaries on the west coast broke free. The western revolutionaries remade a system similar to that of the USSR's and continued governing using the Californian government as a base for there new philosophy. This upheavel lead to civil strife in Canada. Britain militarily intervened in the Canadian revolution. Do to the already stressful situation, In the Midwest a group of Germanic descended people made an American Reich. The US government being driven to it's breaking point with coups and rebellion retreated into the Appalachian mountains as well as keeping in contact with generals scattered across the US. Russia and Britain seized this opportunity to take North America over, with the queen of the UK even personally threatening Putin's life if he touches what she claims is rightful British soil. Hawaii, Texas, and NY city all declared independence from the USA and other states are close to that point. As the Commander and Chief of the US you must reunite your country and force fourign powers off your land, and be remembered as a great president.