The South African War

Created by reukinche (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/25/2021
Number of attempts: 149
Number of wins: 29
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Barbar17 in 16 turns on 10/25/2021


It is hard to rank which of Nazi Germany's atrocities was the worst, but the African Reichkommissariats are surely among the top five. Set up after the total victory of the Axis in the Second World War, the German presence in Africa has meant nothing but misery for the native population. In Central Africa, entire villages are slaughtered for sport by roving bands of mercenaries. In Southwest Africa, bombers take off to use West African cities as target practice. And in East Africa, one can only guess as to the true extent of the ongoing genocide by direct extermination. Only South Africa, deeply flawed but far better than the alternative, remains as the only thing approaching a democracy in the continent.

But that could be about to change. With Germany itself falling into chaos, its colonies in Africa have gone rogue, and declared war on South Africa. To make things worse, South African fascists have betrayed the union and risen up, allying with the Reichkommissariats.

There are only two pieces of good news. The first is that our government's negotiations with the African National Congress have succeeded, saving us from having to fight another enemy. Instead, thousands of native South Africans will join our ranks, knowing full well what awaits them should we lose. The second is that the Americans have begun sending troops and air support.

These are small victories, but we will need to be content with them. The fate of an entire continent is in our hands.