The Second West Russian War

Created by reukinche (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/22/2021
Number of attempts: 133
Number of wins: 78
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: Abbacus in 12 turns on 10/22/2021


35 years ago, Operation Barbarossa began, marking the start of a war which would end with Russia torn asunder, and subjecting millions to suffer untold horrors. Some thought that this was the end.

But others persevered. Remnants of the Red Army slowly consolidated into a cohesive fighting force in western Russia, and by the 1950s, were ready to begin the struggle anew, in what became known as the West Russian War. Yet the task before them proved too great, and as they neared the gates of German-occupied Moscow, they faltered. Within months, they had collapsed, sending Russia into an even darker period of warlordism and hunger. Yet thanks to the efforts of the Russian people and yourself, Russia was slowly patched together and mended, weakened but very much alive.

It is now 1976. Germany's empire of blood and tears, once seemingly invincible, is decaying. The age of Nazism in Europe is ending at long last. Yet still, the invaders hold our land, poisoning it with their atrocities. Still, our brothers and sisters slave away for their colonial masters in vast factories of death. For our people, for our nation and for humanity, we must end this horror, once and for all. Justice must be done.

There will be no second chances if we fail again.