Expedition V - Haste

Created by DigbyAlluge (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/18/2021
Number of attempts: 2,161
Number of wins: 287
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: GamesPlayer in 12 turns on 7/12/2022


Expedition V - Haste
Type: 1/A.I. vs A.I./A.I. vs A.I./A.I. vs A.I./A.I.
Spawns/Armies: 2/3
LD/NS: Yes/No
Base Income: 0
Neutral Armies: 0
Cards/Guards: No/No
City Cost: 4 gold
Move Order: Random
Fog: Light

In the last battle, you were shocked to find out the 'ghost' had indeed decided to join the fight. You want to be angry with them, but the truth is they helped more than you want to admit. You tried once again to tell them to stay away from the fighting, but the grins on their little faces tell you that's probably not going to happen. One other thing you have noticed is that your people and the natives have figured out how to help each other when building cities, thereby saving gold in the process. Not sure what they are doing, but it's working out well for everyone as far as you can tell... You decide to go see how they are doing it when you nearly trip on another one of the 'ghost' standing in front of you with the map and grinning as he starts pointing at several spots on the map... To be continued...

Part 5 of 6. Each level will increase in difficulty! Good Luck!

I. Last Chance
II. Darkness Fades
III. Impulse
IV. Organized Chaos
V. Haste
VI. Endgame