Alien Invasion - ALPS BATTLEGROUND #1

Created by JasonBlake (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/3/2021
Number of attempts: 107
Number of wins: 83
Number of likes: 18
Record holder: Shommy in 3 turns on 8/3/2021


April 2021 - United States announced to the world Aliens does exist

June 2021 - China and Russia launched a joint space program to make the first contact with Aliens

September 2021 - Aliens destroyed the satellite sent to make the first contact
- International Space Station was destroyed by the Aliens along with multiple GPS satellites orbiting Earth

October 2021 - Multiple Alien Spacecrafts detected across North and South Hemisphere rapidly positioning itself above population centres

November 2021 - Aliens launched an invasion of Europe to test Earth's Military Might
- Switzerland was chosen as the invasion site by the Aliens
- Aliens rapidly overran the Swiss Armed Forces, Mass Evacuations from Swiss Cities as Aliens rapidly captured terrorities
- Surrounding Nations (France, Italy, Germany and Austria) immediately mobilized their National Armed Forces and sent them to the border.

Can the Allied Nations stop the Alien Invasion or will Europe fall to the Aliens?

Thanks for your support in playing this custom game!
Feedback is always welcome, feel free to PM me to give your feedback and I may implement it in future games.
More lore to come!
# In title refers to Lore Number. *Suggested to play accordingly*