Spy Must Die

Created by (deleted) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/5/2021
Number of attempts: 308
Number of wins: 169
Number of likes: 23
Record holder: A-Bomb in 10 turns on 8/5/2021


Latvian Intelligence has learned of a spy inside their borders, and have requested third party participation. All three ports were silently closed, cutting off the Baltic Sea, hopefully trapping him in. The veil of ignorance must remain intact, thus Latvian officials cannot officially assist you. A grapevine rumor places him in Rundāle to the south.

Do NOT attack, Riga City, Liepajās, nor Ventspils City. (999 armies are garrisoned there)

Your orders are to locate and liquidate with dispatch.