Circuitry: Not Ghost

Created by guezt1234 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/30/2021
Number of attempts: 329
Number of wins: 140
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: flippers in 8 turns on 7/30/2021


Exorcise the ghosts in the circuitry as quickly as possible. Just remember to get rid of all the ghosts.

⚡Not Gates⚡
1. Each Not gate consists of two territories and a ±bonus value.
2. Each Not gate can only give either +bonus, -bonus, or 0 bonus.
3. If you have both of the territories, you get -bonus.
4. If you have only one of the two territories, you get +bonus.
5. Otherwise, you get 0 bonus from the NOT gate.

See description of the map for more details: